Privacy policy.

Website Purpose

Rancher’s Daughter is a website with the purpose of sharing the writings of author Kari Reents, located at . You can also contact Rancher’s Daughter by mailing Kari Reents, 515 14th Street, Burlington, Colorado 80807 or emailing


All of the content on all pages in this website and domain, except where otherwise noted, is the intellectual property of Kari Reents and/or Using the Rancher’s Daughter name to promote a like business or in a way that impersonates this site or its owner or authors without express written consent of the owners will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Grit and Grace: Daily Inspiration for the Hard-Working Woman by Kari Reents, Published by Westbow Press, as well as any excerpts published on this site, is also a copywrited work owned by Kari Reents.

Data Collection and Sharing

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